• Arthi Yogaraj Social Media Marketing 0 reviews


Hi there,


My name is Arthi Yogaraj. I am a freelance social media marketing manager and I am here to help you bring your brand story to life through visual story telling.


I have experience in Social Media Marketing on Instagram, Facebook, Tiktok and Snapchat. I am able to create posts + caption content, story content, poster designs and videos for Instagram and Tiktok,


Some of the accounts I have handled on Instagram are @sage.thelabel @bedrock_kalpitiya @svara.srilanka and many more.


Regarding a website, please have a look at labelsage.com, the website was built and developed by myself for my clothing brand.


I believe I am able to handle your required job. Feel free to contact me should you require more information.





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  • Hourly Rate: Rs 0.00
  • Rating:
  • Experience: 0 years experience
  • Projects worked: 0
  • Total earned: Rs 0.00
  • Country: