Reshali Balasubramaniam
February 25, 2019
Creativity-Decision Making-Goal Setting No Comments

Starting Up in a new Industry? Here are some tips

Being an entrepreneur in a new industry is not easy, even when it looks like things are moving smoothly. Running a start up venture successfully takes grit, determination, resilience, aptitude and most of all, industry expertise. Knowing the basics, and gaining a little inside knowledge of the way things work, will give you an extra edge when you’re starting out with an enterprise in a new industry. Read on for a few tips to get the most before you step into the competitive new world you want to make your mark in-

Establish quality connections

When you’re trying to start up in a new industry, one of the first prerequisites you’ll want to have in hand is a number of solid industry connects. Make use of professional networking sites and attend events like conferences and trade fairs to establish new connections. The stronger you build liaisons with people in the sector, the greater benefits you will reap from them as you proceed.

Study the tactics of established industry leaders

Read up on the current industry competitors and take time to thoroughly analyze the strategy used by them to get to the top of the ladder. This will help you gain insight on the right things to do when building your start up. Similarly, don’t forget to look at the most well known failures in the industry: these will teach you what not to do.

Know the law

Every industry comes with its own set of specific laws that apply in different situations, as well as the overall state and national laws surrounding it. Make sure you gain elementary knowledge of these laws, and invest in a reliable lawyer, from whom you can seek legal guidance as and when required. You will appreciate his/her presence the most when you are asked to sign documents that you might not fully understand otherwise.

Start with a clean slate

Despite any and all the information and know-how you may have gathered before entering the industry, you should step in with an attitude of curiosity and remain open to learning avenues. Never presume that you have complete knowledge and need no more.

Observe the market and consumer trends

To succeed in your new industry, you must get to know the market and your direct consumers closely. Conduct research and converse with customers to find out their grievances, and their desires from an enterprise like yours. This will help you cater to them accordingly.

Don’t hesitate to seek help

Initially, you may feel a little foolish for seeking help or advice from others in the industry, particularly experienced seniors. However, it would be prudent to approach and ask for guidance rather than make unnecessary mistakes just because you felt shy. Industry leaders have a lot of experience to share, and you would do well to make the most out of it.

It is your passion for your business that’ll put you on the path to success, but following these tips will ultimately ensure you reach the heights you aspire to.



Going that extra mile does pay off in entrepreneurship, but it becomes difficult when you are venturing into a completely new industry. However, you can surely gain foothold in the competitive world by establishing good connections, enhancing your knowhow about related laws, keeping track of the market, and so on.